How has the plastic masterbatch industry been in the past few years? Update the latest controversial issues in plastic masterbatch that attract great public interest and concern to know what masterbatch manufacturers are facing in the current time.
The dramatically increasing in demands of using plastic masterbatch products
The reverse of metal resources has been severely limited and caused the increase in prices of products made by metal. The debate on narrowed resources not only occurs with metal production but this is also a problem for wooden products manufacturing. This circumstances turned plastic masterbatch into the highlight position of the potential alternative material. Wooden and metal products are gradually replaced with plastic products since this type of material is more advanced with flexible properties, lightweight and cheaper prices. Indeed, master batch in specific and plastic in general, with the huge advantages in properties and production costs, are the promising candidates to become the most versatile material existing in every aspects of life.

The needs on plastic masterbatch fall on both quantity and quality
The increasing in usage of plastic applications has dragged the awareness in finding plastic additives and fillers up to another level. Plastic masterbatch manufacturers are requested to supply products with multiple characteristics, better performance, higher durability and lower prices. This trend positively impacts the plastic and plastic additive market in the way which more chances and opportunities are opened. The increasing production of special functional additives such as UV stabilizers, flame retardants, impact modifiers, etc. has contributed to diversity of plastic applications in various fields including wires, cables and printed circuit boards for Electric and Electronic industry; airplanes, ships, trains and cars for Transportation Section; Textiles, Furniture for Construction industry, etc.
Plastic masterbatch manufacturers must solves problems related to environmental protection
The raising awareness of global residents as well as the stringent interference of various national leaders worldwide in controlling the worsened situations happening to our living environment has the great impacts to the plastic industry. Several toxic compounds have been restricted in numerous countries worldwide, especially those with developed economics. For instant, China along with the US and Europe currently banned using phthalates in the plastic additive market. Thus, with the purpose to adapt these new laws, masterbatch manufacturers are focusing in establishing new types of plastic masterbatch that cause less harmful effects or non-toxic to the natural environment.

Will reusable plastic masterbatch be the solution for this concern?
Reusable plastic masterbatch is expected to become the optimized solution for solving these current problems, especially in dealing with the requirements for materials used in health care products by replacing the outdated disposable master batch applications. There are more opportunities for both plastic additives suppliers and consumers. Not only the diverse in types of plastic additives will be increased but the cost of these features will also be altered.
The consciousness in protecting consumer’s health is rising in plastic masterbatch industry
Besides the increase in environmental awareness that surely affected the orientation of various plastic masterbatch manufacturers in the next periods, health care is also another severe concern of both consumers and producers in this field. The vast majority of developed countries, especially European government have banned toxic plastics and additives such as Phthalates, flame retardants, colorants, plasticizers, etc. from being massively commercialized by releasing stringent regulation policies including Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment, The European chemical registration legislation Reach, and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).